Traditional Dental Implant vs Basal Implant

Comparisons of the two technologies

We will explain the differences between basal implant and traditional dental implant, which include surface type, diameter, placement and more…

Implant Basal vs. Implant Dentaire Traditionnel

FAQ: Basal implant vs Classic dental implant

Voici quelques réponses à des questions que vous pourriez avoir :

There are not one but many differences between a basal implant and a traditional dental implant. Apart from the fact that they are both designed for the purpose of restoring dentition and that they fit into bone tissue, they have little to do with each other. The differences are so many that the procedure and treatment protocol are completely different. The basal implant requires special training and qualification for dentists, dental surgeons, and prosthetists. The basal implant does not need a large bone mass, it is fixed in the cortex of the bone. The basal implant, therefore, makes it possible to treat patients with significant bone loss. The traditional implant attaches to the spongy part of the bone (the alveolar bone), so it will be necessary to have a bone graft when the jaw is affected.



Even an implantologist who is very experienced and competent in traditional implantology will find it difficult to comment on a treatment plan in basal implantology without having qualification for it. Many dentists share an erroneous opinion on the basal implant without having knowledge or qualification. Our specialists are trained and qualified in both types of implantology. Also, Anveli has an expert service with objective opinions which can advise you on the type of dental implants which will be most suitable for your situation .

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