Anveli Dental - Orthodontics in Sofia
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What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry in its own right. It is devoted to the correction of alignment and positioning problems of teeth. It has an obvious aesthetic but also functional role since it can prevent and/or cure deformities of the jaw. Poor alignment of teeth can damage teeth (due to bad bite contacts) and can cause back problems as proven in different studies.

What does orthodontics correct?

Orthodontics aims to correct the bad positioning of the teeth and the deformations of the jaws. The bad positioning of the teeth can have various origins:

  • Genetic origins: for example, several individuals sharing genetic connection can have the same malpositions
  • Bad gestures: The sucking of the thumb for example can cause the separation of the teeth and their inclination.

After having diagnosed the origin of the problem, the orthodontist dentist will establish a treatment plan with the most suitable orthodontic system.

The result of orthodontics

Dentofacial orthopedics or orthodontic treatment allows to obtain properly aligned teeth by straightening them and offers the aesthetics of a symmetrical smile. This is obviously the main reason why our patients prefer this treatment. However, orthodontics offers many other preventive benefits by providing long-term functional dentition. Let's see what are the other benefits of orthodontic treatment:

Prevent back pain

It has recently been known that posture and dental occlusion are closely linked. People with poor dental occlusion have a 20% more risk of being affected by back pain.

Prevent periodontal disease

Poor alignment of teeth can make brushing difficult and leave free spaces for bacteria to grow. We see that people with misaligned teeth suffer more from periodontal diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. By providing better hygiene and facilitating tooth brushing, the risk of developing cavities is less.

Better chewing

When the teeth are misaligned, chewing is difficult which leads to various problems including:

  • Stomach pain
  • Abnormal tearing of the front teeth
  • Pain in the jaw joint

Offers better speech

The problems of misalignment and positioning of the teeth can cause speech and language difficulties. Orthodontic treatment corrects these problems. After fitting the appliances, the patient will sooner or later regain normal speech depending on his age. Indeed, the return to normal speech in young people (under 15) will be much faster than in an adult in whom psychomotor habits are already well established.

The stages of orthodontic treatment

1 st step - Assessment and study

The first step in successful orthodontics is the correct diagnosis. Oral cavity problems can be caused by non-dental medical problems. The objective of this preoperative study is to identify possible medical problems before the start of the treatment. The consultation with the orthodontist will be accompanied by a maxillofacial scanner and an impression by 3D scanner, a new technology developed by Anveli Dental Switzerland to simulate the future stages and results of the orthodontic treatment. After this study, the orthodontist will draw up a treatment plan by choosing the appropriate fitting mode and will be able to inform the patient about the forecast duration of treatment as well as its cost.

2nd th Step - The active phase of the process

After the preliminary study and depending on the importance of tooth movements and rotations to be performed, the orthodontist will order the installation of one or more orthodontic appliances which will allow the teeth to be moved and ordered in the desired alignment. In most cases, conventional orthodontic appliances remain the most appropriate, but removable appliances such as the Invisalign invisible orthodontic splint may be offered.

During the months that the active phase lasts, the orthodontist adjusts the dental apparatus in order to exert constant tension on the teeth which need to be replaced.

3 th Step - The retention phase

When the teeth are properly aligned, the braces can be removed. However, the treatment is not yet finished. At this stage, if the treatment is not continued to completion, the teeth resume their initial position. The orthodontist must therefore create a so-called retainer orthodontic appliance. The objective of this orthodontic appliance is to maintain the teeth in their position. The retainers must therefore be worn every day for a number of hours determined by the orthodontist, and this for a recommended period if they are removable. Most often, it is a compression wire attached to the inner face of the teeth.

Orthodontic treatment lasts between four and thirty months. The duration of treatment depends on the level of malocclusion, the type of appliance used, and the age of the patient.

What are the different types of orthodontic systems?

The choice of the orthodontic appliance is made by the orthodontist since each system has specific advantages and characteristics. Although most patients wish to obtain removable and invisible systems, these unfortunately are not still possible since they do not allow significant corrections to be made with rotation of the teeth. Now let's see what the differences are between orthodontic systems.

Orthodontic braces

Orthodontic braces are the most widely used technique for correcting alignment problems. Considerable progress has been made in terms of aesthetics, comfort, and results. Metal braces are the most commonly used because they are very resistant and at more affordable prices than the ceramic (white) or sapphire (transparent) versions which are more aesthetic.

Lingual orthodontics (Internal pins)

The principle is the same as conventional braces except that they are placed inside the teeth. Lingual braces are therefore invisible The feasibility of the intervention will be determined during your first visit with your Anveli ® orthodontist

Invisalign ® Clearline ® Aligners ®

Orthodontic splint

The Invisalign/Clearline techniques allow, thanks to a mouthpiece that is easily integrated into everyday life, to align teeth with just one visit to the dentist. It is a good alternative for the simplest cases. A study is first carried out using a 3D scanner then transparent aligners (shells) are custom designed. They will be worn all the time except for cleaning periods. The invisible orthodontic aligner will be changed. every week until the desired result is obtained.

Orthodontist by Anveli Dental

Anveli Dental has a department specializing in orthodontics in its clinic in Sofia headed by Dr Pastarmadjiev . A first consultation (which can be carried out remotely using photos in most cases) allows a treatment plan to be set up and the results to be simulated. Several technologies are available such as the Invisalign system or other medical devices that make the treatment hardly visible. The price will depend on the technique and materials used.

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