Dental Implant vs Basal

Comparisons of the two technologies

We will explain the differences between basal implant and traditional dental implant, which include surface type, diameter, placement and more…

Базальные Имплантаты

7 дней

For the basal implant, the treatment takes between 3 and 5 days but the patient is asked to stay a week in order to carry out the check-ups.

Classic Dental Implants

3 – 6 months

For the classic dental implant, when the patient has enough bone, the treatment lasts 3 to 6 months. If there is need for a bone graft it can take 1 year.

Базальные Имплантаты

8 to 10

The protocol of basal implantology  implemented by Professor Stefan Ihde provides for the placement of a minimum of 10 implants on the upper jaw and 8 implants on the lower jaw.

Classic Dental Implants

4 to 8

In classic implantology Due to the significant size and width of dental implants, it is often only possible to place 4 to 8 implants per jaw.

Базальные Имплантаты

  • .For the full mouth restorations the failure rate is almost zero (0.6%).

  • For an single tooth the success rate is 96%.

    The implant is made of smooth titanium. No peri-implantitis was found on a BAx basal implant.

Classic Dental Implants

  • The loss of a single conventional dental implant affects the complete success of the entire jaw treatment.
  • This type of implants is recommended for the replacement of a single tooth.

The dental implant is made of rough titanium, the risk of peri-implantitis  is therefore greater.

Базальные Имплантаты

With basal implant no need bone grafting. The basal implant (strategic implants) is located in the cortical bone, the most mineralized part of the bone tissue that is not subject to resorption.
Never perform bone grafting before basal implant placement.

Classic Dental Implants

With classic dental implant, when its height and thickness is not sufficient, a bone graft is inevitable. To do this, a hole is made in the cortical layer, through which the inner part of the bone tissue is filled with material.

Зубные Имплантаты

FAQ: Basal implant vs Classic dental implant

Вот ответы на самые распространенные вопросы, которые могут у вас возникнуть

  • Different surface: Smooth surface on the basal implant and rough on the traditional dental implant.
  • Diameter of traditional dental implant is larger than the basal implant.
  • The basal implant does not require a bone graft even when there is a lack of bone.
  • The basal implant is placed in the 2 layers of the cortical bone. Hence its name, bi-cortical implant. The traditional dental implant is placed in the spongious and alveolar bone.
  • The basal implant is designed for immediate loading, it can be placed immediately after the tooth extraction and the prosthesis is fixed within 72 hours of the basal implant placement. With conventional dental implants osseointegration is inevitable, that is, it is necessary to wait for the healing of the bone and gum.
  • The basal implant is easy to remove or correct. The conventional dental implant is very difficult to extract. Its removal leads to the destruction of significant bone mass.

Even an implantologist who is very experienced and competent in traditional implantology will find it difficult to comment on a treatment plan in basal implantology without having qualification for it. Many dentists share an erroneous opinion on the basal implant without having knowledge or qualification. Our specialists are trained and qualified in both types of implantology. Also, Anveli has an expert service with objective opinions which can advise you on the type of dental implants which will be most suitable for your situation .

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