The scandal of mercury fillings is well known, but there is a much more serious one according to some scientists. The poisoning is caused by devitalized teeth. Indeed, during a devitalization, the main channel of the tooth is cleaned, however, the tooth is made up of hundreds of subchannels and bifurcations which are not. These latter release bacteria which spread by absorption to the bone tissues and then into the blood.
The subject being very sensitive and little known in France by the dentists themselves, the objective of this article is not to take a position for one or the other of the theses but to inform and share the opinions of different specialists as is the case in many countries.
In France, this act is recommended and reimbursed by social security which itself recognizes the abuses of certain practitioners who resort to this act in a preventive manner. We also find this drift in certain clinics practicing dental tourism and who, in order to avoid that the patient has to come back in case of tenderness, prefer to treat the canal directly. At the same time, devitalization is not recommended by the order of stomatologists in some countries. As we can see, this subject divides part of the profession up to the health policies of certain states.
In France, the question appeared in 2004 in the report submitted by Corinne Lepage, then ex-Minister of Health who recommended the extraction of devitalized teeth for therapeutic purposes. Quickly challenged by the order of dentists mounted at the crenel, the latter will go to court to have this text brought down. The former minister will qualify this trial as a 'Witch hunt organized by a tribe protecting its privileges'. Although several studies validate the thesis of "anti-devitalization ", they will lose their case and a dental surgeon will have his right to practice withdrawn.
So what to think? Several studies have demonstrated the non-toxicity of fillers used in endodontics. But a problem of methodology appears in these studies. The possible poisoning would not come from the products of complement but bacteria developing in the subchannels and bifurcations following the degradation of dead tissue. Studies demonstrate that toxins are released from devitalized teeth.