Team anveli dental

Team anveli dental

The Team

behind Anveli Dental

Anveli Dental brings together dentists and dental professionals from several dental clinics and centers of expertise across Europe. By forming a large family in several fields of activity, their mission is to bring you back the smile and the joy of eating.

Dentists and implantologist

Prof. Stefan Ihde

Team anveli dental

Implantologist | Dental surgeon

Prof. Stefan Ihde, the innovative mind behind Basal Implant Technology (BAx), has revolutionized implantology with an advanced, graft-free approach. Available at Anveli Dental, BAx technology offers fast, effective solutions for complex cases, providing unmatched stability in full mouth reconstruction and dental implants. Prof. Ihde, or a certified BAx specialist from his team, ensures each patient receives expert care. Prof. Ihde also leads the International Implant Foundation, training practitioners worldwide and setting new standards in dental innovation.

Dental Implants Basal Implants inventor - Stefan Ihde

Dr. Antonia Ihde

Prosthesis | Dentist

Dr. Antonina Ihde is a world-renowned expert in dental prosthetics and specialist in fixed prostheses on basal implants. She teaches this field at IIR and works in collaboration with Prof. Ihde in dental centers in Montenegro.

team anveli dental

Gilles Baillache

Team anveli dental

Head of the expertise department

The expertise service is headed by Gilles Baillache. With doctors and experts specializing in basal implantology and traditional dental care at its disposal, the treatment plan transmitted is as accurate as possible.

team anveli dental

Anthony Ricaud

Team anveli dental

Expertise manager

Expert in basal implant, he is the link between the expertise service, the support service and patients. He was trained in several Anveli centers, notably Serbia and Bulgaria where he practices today.

team anveli dental

Sophie Santunione

Team anveli dental

Expertise manager

Expert in the field of basal implantology and trained at Anveli Dental in Switzerland and Bulgaria, she is responsible for providing information to French-speaking patients who contact us.

team anveli dental

Elodie Broeders

Expertise manager

Expert in the field of basal implantology and trained at Anveli Dental in Bulgaria and Switzerland, she is responsible for providing information to French-speaking patients who contact us.

Bella Pustinja

Head of the organization department

Our organization and support service is headed by Bella Pustinja, who works in the clinic in Kyiv, Belgrade, and Moscow. She has several medical translators in her team who allow our patients to understand their interlocutors.

team anveli dental

Dr. Mihail Glavinov

Dentist | Implantologist

Trained in the USA, Dr. Mihail Glavinov graduated from the Faculty of Sofia. Winner of several competitions, he has led numerous conferences on oral surgery in post-tumor reconstruction.

team anveli dental

Pr. Dr. Olga Shipich

Prosthesis | Dentist

Dr. Olga Shipich is a specialist in dental prosthetics. She heads the Belgrade dental clinic and its state-of-the-art dental prosthesis laboratory. Coming from the Belgrade dental faculty, she participated in the writing of several textbooks for professionals.

team anveli dental

Dr. Diana Marinkova


Trained at Sofia Dental University in Bulgaria, she has been working at Anveli for almost 2 years. She deals with dental care on natural teeth mainly and devitalization.

team anveli dental

Our Posts

Bone loss, Dental Implant

Osteoporosis affects nearly 30% of postmenopausal women but also men. Osteoporosis also has consequences on...

Diseases & Infections, Other

The devitalization of a tooth (endodontics) is a controversial subject in the dental world (if...

Dental Implant, Risks

The placement of one or more dental implants involves risks. As with any dental, medical...

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