Is the basal implant dangerous?
Is the basal implant viable, dangerous? In order to respond in the most transparent way. Here is an article about studies carried out by the Implant Foundation in Munich that answers these questions. A question to ask when you are told that basal implant is dangerous. Is the dentist trained in this technique or does he simply not want to lose a patient? However, mastery of the technology and respect for the protocol allows success rates of over 99% to be obtained.
In order to benefit from such a success rate, several factors and conditions must be met.
- Call on an experienced dental surgeon
- Have modern infrastructure and a certified laboratory
- Benefit from Ihde certified dental implants Dental.
The Anveli expertise service has carried out several studies on several thousand patients who have benefited from basal implantology, which today allow us to have an objective look at the real dangers and risks and thus isolate the major causes of failure in basal implantology.

Studies on the basal implant
The study service of the International Implant Foundation provides visibility on the results obtained by Prof. Ihde. Thus for this study, a total of 394 patients who carried out their follow-up visit were They received a total of 4570 basal implants. The study indicates the state of health of the patients (smokers, diabetics, hypertension, etc.) and the type of basal implant placed.
In this study, we also come back to the different types of corrections that were necessary. Simple discomfort, pain, or mobility of the implant. This study summary takes as references several official studies carried out by the International Implant Foundation, Prof. Scortcetti and Dr Cooper A.
Request an expertise for basal implantology
Risks of the basal implant by our specialists
Result of the study on the risks of the basal implant
The results of the study on 4570 basal implants and 394 patients followed provide the following clinical analyses:
- Risk of infection of the basal implant: 6 soft tissue infections ie 0.1% (6/4570)
- Discomfort: 25 or 0.5%
- Bone loss: 3 or 0.1%
Corrections made due to postoperative problems
For all the cases studied except one, the correction could be carried out in a single step by removing the implant and replacing it. In one case, two visits will be necessary in order to correct the encountered problem.
The postoperative problem could be solved by the removal of a supernumerary implant thus avoiding the removal of the prosthesis. The correction (having required the removal of the basal implant) could be carried out over a period of 3 days. The removed implant could be immediately replaced except in one of the cases where a healing period was necessary in order to replace the basal implant.
Study results
The overall success rate of basal implants placed in the jawbone is 98.9%. The success rate of the overall operation after correction rises to 99.8% in the patients studied. not having wished to proceed with the replacement of an implant was considered to be a failure.
We will note several important details which have been brought to light by several major specialists in basal implantology. No case of peri-implantitis has been observed and the failure rate is not greater in smokers, diabetics, and patients with hypertension.
Among the post-operative problems encountered, we note that it is on the prosthetic part that the risks are highest. We thus find the following problems:
- Discoloration of teeth
Possible causes: tobacco, poor hygiene, saliva too acidic
Correction to be carried out: polishing of teeth - Broken tooth
Possible causes: Invisible micro crack, accidental blow
Correction to be made: Change of the tooth in the mouth
Among the rarer risks we find:
- Gum retraction
Causes: Large number of extractions
Correction to be carried out: Restoration in the mouth or change of the bridge
Operation of the basal implant
Other complications of the basal implant
Many patients who have performed their care outside Anveli dental clinics call on our expertise service to resolve problems encountered on their basal implants. Among the main complications encountered, we mainly find problems related to fixed prostheses on basal implants that do not follow the protocol (most of the time they are performed by uncertified laboratories, and complications related to the placement of a counterfeit basal implant. These counterfeit basal implants are increasingly present in Eastern countries.
Note that only the Ihde Dental and Biomed brands are patented. Remember to request your certificate of conformity after placing your basal dental implants.