The choice between dental bridge and dental implant depends on 2 factors. The number of teeth to be replaced and the available bone volume. When the patient has to replace all the teeth in the jaw, basal implantology will be chosen method of treatment, otherwise, if the patient has to replace 1 or 2 teeth, the principle will be as follows: We will recommend the traditional dental implant if there is enough bone. The dental bridge will be preferred if there is lack of bone and if the patient has 2 abutment teeth.Other factors may also be taken into account and only a study carried out by our expert service will make it possible to transmit a treatment plan and choose between the dental bridge and the dental implant. The aim is to avoid bone grafting. Anveli dental clinics and affiliated dental clinics are no longer authorized to perform bone grafts, whose success rate is 50%, which is unacceptable.