Note: This article has a purely informative and educational role. It aims to make people aware of the consequences of poor dental hygiene, the appearance of cavities, and information on the treatment of the latter. This article should not be a source of remote diagnosis.
When the caries is at its primary stage (at the level of the enamel) it is very difficult to recognize and detect, especially if it is not on the visible face of the tooth. The appearance of a stain or a small dark spot. In order to prevent decay from reaching the deep layers of the tooth, a visit to the dentist is advisable at least once a year. Tooth decay begins to appear when it is allowed to act deeper. When the decay reaches the dentin, the teeth are much more sensitive to hot and cold. If the decay reaches the pulp, we reach the stage called more commonly toothache: the pain is then pulsating and very intense. It is pulpitis. Tooth decay can also cause the appearance of an apical abscess when the infection becomes purulent (appearance of pus) and localized in the gum/bone level. In this case, it may be necessary to extract the tooth. If the tooth abscess is not treated, the bacterial infection can spread to the throat, the heart, or even the brain.