Basal technique and Biomed implants

The basal technique allows the teeth of the entire jaw to be replaced in a single step of 5 to 7 days. Biomed implants and fixed prostheses are placed immediately…

Basal technique and Biomed implants

The basal technique allows the teeth of the entire jaw to be replaced in a single step of 5 to 7 days. Biomed implants and fixed prostheses are placed immediately after all the teeth have been extracted. This is called immediate loading. The Anveli dental clinic in Sofia, specializes in basal techniques with Prof. S. Ihde, who performs the most complex operations.

  • Place of treatment: dental clinic.
  • Technique: Basal technique
  • Care performed: Biomed implants
  • Duration of treatment: 7 days
  • Prosthesis: Immediate loading
  • Materials: Bi-composite ceramic
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia


The patient presents with gum disease, periodontitis. This creates infections, pain, and retraction of the gums. The presence of crown and bridge allowed him, however, to maintain a presentable aesthetic appearance. The preoperative consultation demonstrated the need to extract all the teeth in order to guarantee the best success rate.

After fitting the Biomed implants

The operation was carried out successfully by Prof. Ihde and his team. 1 additional implant was necessary. This resulted in 19 basal implants in total. Surgical treatment has made it possible to remove all the foci of infection due to periodontitis. After 7 days of dental treatment, the patient could have gone home.

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