All on 4: Definition
The All on 4 or All on 6 system takes its name from its fixation system by 4 or 6 implants (Translated into French by “Tout sur 4”). Often called fixed prosthesis on dental implants, because the most reliable variant is clipped and not fixed. The term denture stabilized by dental implants is more appropriate. It is an option often used by dentists who are not qualified in complex implantology and therefore cannot place basal implants. The fixed prosthesis on implants is less expensive but it is also less comfortable and does not have the aesthetics of natural teeth.

Installation and operation of All on 4
The installation of an All on 4 (All on four) is carried out in 2 stages spaced from 3 to 6 months in time.
1st step: Placement of dental implants
Carried out in 1 day, the 4 or 6 traditional dental implants (not suitable for basal type implants) are introduced into the jawbone or mandible. A good quality bone volume must be present to withstand the pressure exerted on the dental implants. The dental implants used to support the All on 4 or All on 6 prostheses have a stabilizing role and have tended to damage bone tissue. They should be placed only on the frontal (central) part, where bone quality and density are the most important.
2nd step: Placement of the fixed prosthesis on implants
The placement of the All On 4 or All on 6 fixed prosthesis is carried out in 4 days. After taking an impression and/or an intraoral scanner, the prosthetist transmits the information to the laboratory which manufactures the dental prosthesis of the All on 4/6 system. Once made, the prosthesis is fixed or clipped onto the dental implants.
Basal implant vs All on 4 (Nobel Biocare)
The “All on 4” system from Nobel Biocare is certainly less expensive (up to 50%) but it has many drawbacks compared to the Bax basal implantology system. The risk of rejection is greater for an All on 4 or on All on 6, and the longer treatment time (minimum 3 months). The basal implant allows him to obtain a better success rate over treatment of 5 to 7 days.