Dental Bridge

durch Anveli Dental

The bridge makes it possible to replace an absent tooth by creating a bridge or simply for aesthetic purposes. The dental bridge is a dental structure made up of several crowns connected together. It is made up of 3 teeth and requires the presence of two anchor pillars. These anchor pillars can be natural teeth or dental implants or a combination of both.

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Placement of a dental bridge

The number of steps and the treatment time for the placement of a dental bridge depends on its anchoring abutments. Whether it is fixed on dental implants of the basal type or on natural teeth the treatment is done in 1 step of 7 days. If it is placed on traditional dental implants, a second step is necessary 3 months after the installation of the dental implants.

1st step: Treatment of teeth

As for the placement of dental crowns, the dental bridge requires a perfect treatment of the teeth which will serve as its abutment. The teeth are filed by staying as far as possible from the nerve in order to avoid devitalization of the tooth. Additional procedures may be necessary in order to consolidate the teeth supporting the bridge. Once the abutment teeth have been prepared, an impression is taken by casting (old technique) or intraoral scanner (new Anveli Dental technique). A provisional bridge is placed until the final dental bridge is ready.

The second step in the placement of a dental bridge takes place 5 to 7 days after the treatment of natural teeth. The bridge was produced by computer to ensure the greatest precision. One or two trials, accompanied by corrections in the laboratory, may be necessary before fixing the final bridge The dental bridge is permanently fixed by cementation when placed on natural teeth or on basal type implants and by screw-on traditional dental implants. Occlusion and contact points may require several hours.

We advise patients suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding) to wear a custom-made splint at night in order to avoid tearing on the natural teeth and the dental bridge regardless of the material used.

Dental Bridge FAQ

Hier sind einige Antworten auf die Fragen, die Sie haben können

Dental bridge or crown, which is better, which to choose? It is a recurring question and the answer is different for each patient. The dental bridge helps to maintain the teeth in a good alignment at long term and distributes the chewing forces over all the teeth of the bridge. Dental crowns can be replaced by tooth in cases where a problem occurs with a tooth. Your dentist can assess the best solution on a case-by-case basis during the first consultation and advise you on the best solution.

The choice between dental bridge and dental implant depends on 2 factors. The number of teeth to be replaced and the available bone volume. When the patient has to replace all the teeth in the jaw, basal implantology will be chosen method of treatment, otherwise, if the patient has to replace 1 or 2 teeth, the principle will be as follows: We will recommend the traditional dental implant if there is enough bone. The dental bridge will be preferred if there is lack of bone and if the patient has 2 abutment teeth.Other factors may also be taken into account and only a study carried out by our expert service will make it possible to transmit a treatment plan and choose between the dental bridge and the dental implant. The aim is to avoid bone grafting. Anveli dental clinics and affiliated dental clinics are no longer authorized to perform bone grafts, whose success rate is 50%, which is unacceptable.

What is the best material for a dental bridge? Again the question depends on the method of fixation. When the bridge is placed on dental implants of the basal type, the bi-composite will be recommended. For any other method of fixation (on natural teeth or traditional dental implants) zirconia will be recommended. Metal-ceramic bridges are not recommended. They have many drawbacks.

The price of a dental bridge depends on the number of teeth it is made of and the materials used. For a 3-tooth bridge, you have to count in France between 1500 and 5000 €.

 Switzerland (Anveli Dental ® )Bulgaria (Anveli Dental ®️ )Serbia (Anveli Dental ® )Ukraine (Anveli Dental ®️ )
Bridge (3 teeth) metal ceramic3000€750€750€750€
Zirconia bridge3600€870€850€850€
Bridge Press E-Max3900€1150€N / AN / A

The difference in prices between our different dental clinics comes mainly from the manufacturing cost. All dental bridges offered by Anveli Dental are manufactured on site with the best quality Swiss materials and allow adjustments and corrections throughout the process.

The dental bridge is reimbursed by social security if its anchoring abutments are natural teeth. The reimbursement is generally €295.50. The dental bridge is not reimbursed by social security when it is placed on dental implants. Your mutual insurance company may however cover it in certain cases depending on your contract. For more information, ask for your quote and send it to your mutual fund. The dental bridge made in an Anveli Dental clinic is reimbursed by social security in France and Belgium as provided in decree n° 2005/386 of 19 April 2005 relating to the taking into charge of care received in a country of the European Union.


Erstattung von Zahnbehandlungen im Ausland


CCAM name: Fitting of a plural prosthesis comprising two anchor pillars

CCAM support: Fitting of a multiple prosthesis comprising two anchor pillars

The good fabrication of a dental bridge like that of a dental crown requires good coordination between the dental technicians in the laboratory and the dentist who is going to place the dental bridge. The main reason for a poor realization of “A bridge is the wrong bite adjustment. In most cases, the dental bridge has been made abroad or in another region which makes the immediate corrections impossible. Then the dentist must make the corrections himself by grinding. Anveli Dental with the AnveLab laboratory within the clinic allows immediate adjustments in the dental prosthesis laboratory. As the laboratory has a cabinet, the patient can do several tests until the best result is obtained.

Fertigung von Zahnkronen

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