In dentistry we classify periodontitis in 10 degrees of evolution. Here we will only develop the 3 stages the 3 major stages of periodontal infection.
1st stage: Gingivitis
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It is the first stage of periodontitis. At this stage, periodontitis can still be avoided for this it is necessary to have a strict dental hygiene and to consult your dentist so that it eliminates dental plaque through careful scaling.
2nd stage: Periodontitis
At this stage of the disease, the gingiva retracts and at the same time periodontal pockets form between the tooth and the bone tissue. These are the result of the accumulation of bacteria that form on the dental plaque.
At this stage, it is still possible to treat periodontal pockets to slow down the progression of periodontitis. Scaling and planing (curettage) of the roots are then necessary. This makes it possible to reduce periodontal pockets and reduce thus all the symptoms of periodontal disease (inflammation, bleeding gums ...).
3rd stage: Advanced periodontitis
If the disease is not treated appropriately at stages 1 and 2, the disease progresses and turns into so-called advanced periodontitis, severe or deep. At this stage, there is a significant retraction of the gums, heavy infections and loose teeth until they fall.