This article has a purely informative role. It aims to sensitize people at risk and to list the most frequent diseases. The diseases mentioned above are by no means a generality and are a summary of various medical articles.
The symptoms listed should not be a source of remote diagnosis and in no way replace a visit to your doctor or dentist.
Risk of heart attack
Studies have shown that men with periodontitis are 25% more affected by heart attacks. However, we show a downside to this figure. Indeed, tobacco being a factor in periodontitis, it is likely that this figure can be revised to around 20% according to our calculations. Cardiovascular accidents are nonetheless significant.
Infectious endocarditis
Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner wall of the heart, mainly affecting the heart valves (mostly the mitral valve) and which can lead to the formation of ulcers or even perforations. Causes a malfunction of the heart (the valves are like valves which only let the blood pass in one direction) Most often of bacterial origin, if not treated, can have very serious consequences on the body (vascular problem, septic shock), especially in patients already suffering from heart disease.
The penetration of bacteria into the general circulation can be caused by a simple surgical act (ex: extraction of a tooth) or during chewing in a person suffering from periodontitis - the germs from the blood, go to be transported to predisposed organs and thanks to their adhesive property - to be grafted to them.